The CrowdStrike outage explained for Ryedale business owners and managers

Download our free guide which summarises everything you need to know about the recent CrowdStrike outage.

This is written specifically for business owners round here. Inside you’ll discover:

• What CrowdStrike is
• What happened on Friday 19th July 2024
• The impact on businesses – and what it means for you
• How to protect your business by reviewing IT strategies and contingency plans

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Chrome extensions are great for boosting productivity and saving time. But if they’re not the real deal, you could be at risk from malware. We tell you how to stay protected.

Here’s how to save time, money, and stress on your IT

Your business couldn’t function without its technology, right?

And from time to time, things go wrong.

If these are the only times you speak to your IT support provider, it’s very likely you’re wasting a lot of time and money. Plus creating yourself a ton of stress.

Why you’re better in a contract with your IT company

What happens when your business suffers an IT issue?

Whether it’s suspected malware, a data breach, or a computer that refuses to connect to anything, chances are it’s going to cause you and your team downtime.

And if you only have a break/fix relationship with your provider (that’s where you only call them when there’s a problem), it’s going to mean unexpected costs, lots of waiting, and stress. Plenty of stress.

Encryption: the difference between chaos and calm

What would happen if your business data was stolen?

Would it:

a) Throw the company into chaos and put everything on the line? Or…
b) Be an inconvenience that, fortunately, you’d already anticipated?

Secure your data under lock and key

The data in your business is invaluable. Without it you wouldn’t have much of a business left, would you?

So that data must be kept safe… and one of the best ways to do that is to encrypt it.

That way, even if a cyber criminal gets their hands on it, your data is worthless to them.

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about encryption, and why it’s something you should implement straight away.

SHOCK STAT: A third of business owners don’t trust their staff

SHOCK STAT: A third of business owners don’t trust their staff

Do you trust your employees with sensitive business data? You might be shocked to learn how many business owners don’t. But why… ? We have the answers.

Never mind “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”…

Never mind “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”…

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but what happens when it’s a young pup that needs training? New research on people under 40 has revealed a scary attitude towards cyber security. We tell you more here.

The biggest risk to Cyber Security is human error

The most likely targets for all sorts of cyber attacks are small and medium sized businesses. They don’t have the budgets for dedicated staff or numerous layers of protection.

But the weakest link in any security chain is your staff.

Good cyber security awareness training is essential for everyone in your business.

You will need a strategy to start with.

Stop! And think, before you act on that email

How many times a day do you respond to an email without really thinking about its contents?

Maybe it’s a request for some information. Perhaps it’s asking you to pay an invoice. All mundane stuff. But no sooner than you’ve hit send, you’ve fallen victim to a Business Email Compromise (BEC) attack.

A BEC attack occurs when a cyber criminal gains access to your business email account and uses it to trick your employees, customers, or partners into sending them money or sensitive information. They do this by impersonating someone senior, and abusing their position of trust.

It might sound like something that only happens to big corporations, but that’s not the case.

According to the FBI, small and medium-sized businesses are just as vulnerable to BEC attacks as larger ones. In fact, these attacks have cost businesses more than £20 billion over the past few years.

And Microsoft brings more bad news, with its recent findings showing that they’re getting both more destructive and harder to detect.