The CrowdStrike outage explained for Ryedale business owners and managers

Download our free guide which summarises everything you need to know about the recent CrowdStrike outage.

This is written specifically for business owners round here. Inside you’ll discover:

• What CrowdStrike is
• What happened on Friday 19th July 2024
• The impact on businesses – and what it means for you
• How to protect your business by reviewing IT strategies and contingency plans

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Chrome extensions are great for boosting productivity and saving time. But if they’re not the real deal, you could be at risk from malware. We tell you how to stay protected.

Ransomware threats are surging – here’s how to protect your business

Ransomware threats are surging – here’s how to protect your business

After years of decline, ransomware attacks are on the rise again. And more businesses are being targeted. It’s time to protect your data. Here we explain how.

Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all?

Are your employees reporting security issues fast enough… or even at all?

The faster your employees report a potential cyber security issue, the less damage is done to your business. But how can you encourage quick reporting? Here we share some solid ideas.

More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defences

More businesses are proactively investing in cyber security defences

Cyber security: More and more businesses are making the smart business decision to invest in it. Find out why you should join them.

Cyber attacks are more common than you think

Cyber attacks are more common than you think

And how you respond to one can be the difference between it being an inconvenience and a complete nightmare.

What’s important is to think about all of this BEFORE you become victim to an attack (sadly, it’s likely to be a case of when and not if).

By following a few simple steps you can be confident you’ll not only recover from an attack quickly, but you’ll minimise the damage and cost too.

Learn about the 5 most important steps to take in our latest video.

Cyber Attacks – Read this before it’s too late

The worst time to decide how to deal with a cyber attack is when you’re right in the middle of one.

Unfortunately, it’s something you’ll probably need to deal with eventually – small and medium sized businesses are a prime target for cyber criminals.

It’s a good idea to make a plan now, so that if the worst happens, you and your team are prepared to minimise the damage caused, the money spent, and the downtime suffered.

Our latest guide highlights 5 steps to stop a cyber attack causing the downfall of your business.

Download your free copy right now.

You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

You might hold the secret to data security in your finger

Is your password keeping your data as safe as it could be? Maybe not. And there are new, safer alternatives to try. Here are all the details.

Encryption: the difference between chaos and calm

What would happen if your business data was stolen?

Would it:

a) Throw the company into chaos and put everything on the line? Or…
b) Be an inconvenience that, fortunately, you’d already anticipated?

Secure your data under lock and key

The data in your business is invaluable. Without it you wouldn’t have much of a business left, would you?

So that data must be kept safe… and one of the best ways to do that is to encrypt it.

That way, even if a cyber criminal gets their hands on it, your data is worthless to them.

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about encryption, and why it’s something you should implement straight away.