What does your email signature give away about you?

You may think of your email signature as a digital business card.

It lets people know the different ways they can contact you. It might also strengthen your business branding.

But have you ever stopped to think how all that information can be used for bad?

Cyber criminals can use your email signature to pretend to be you and trick others out of data or money. Likewise, you may be fooled by a genuine-looking email signature that’s not the real deal.

Our latest video explains how to make sure your email signature doesn’t put your business – or others – at risk.

Is your email signature putting your business at risk?

You probably don’t give your email signature much thought.

It’s there to provide your contact details and maybe boost your branding, right?

But have you ever stopped to consider exactly how much information you’re giving away? It’s enough to allow someone else to pretend to be you. Someone like a cyber criminal.

They can use this to steal from other businesses.

And it works the other way around too – you could be tricked into giving away data or money thanks to an email you thought was from someone else.

Our latest guide explains why you need to pay more attention to your email signatures, and how much information you should really be giving away.

Don’t sleep on this simple, effective security booster

Don’t sleep on this simple, effective security booster

Microsoft’s enforcing an extra layer of security for logins to one of its tools. Even if you don’t use it, you should follow their lead and implement this security booster in your business.

Cyber security isn’t just a problem for IT

Cyber criminals target all businesses all the time.

That means you and your team will be better protected if you make security a whole business concern, and not just an “IT thing”.

Every single person in your business should understand the risks, and importantly, how to avoid them.

Our latest video explains how to make that happen and keep your business data safe. Watch it here.

Cyber crime is always evolving. You should be too

More businesses are seeing the value of cyber security training, and that’s great.

But still too many view it as a one-and-done exercise.

If there’s one thing we know about cyber crime, it’s that it’s constantly evolving. And that means if you want to stay up to date on the latest threats, your training needs to be regular.

In our latest guide we compare how two different companies with different attitudes to cyber security training fared against a phishing attempt. We also explain how to create your own training plan to make sure it’s a success.

Download your free copy now.

Cyber extortion: What is it and what’s the risk to your business?

Cyber extortion: What is it and what’s the risk to your business?

Have you heard of cyber extortion? It’s a very real threat to your business. Here we explain what it is and how to stay safe.

Data loss? Save yourself a mighty headache

What would you do if all your business data just… disappeared?

Maybe panic. Maybe stare at the screen in disbelief.

But if you’re wise, you’ll have a safety net in place, in the form of reliable and tested data backup. Which would mean you can restore your data quickly, without too much disruption.

If you’re not… well, you’ve got one mighty headache on your hands.

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about data backup, including how to make sure it’s working as it should be.

Download your free copy now.

All your data’s gone. What now?

You log on to your computer and find… nothing. No customer data, no project files, no financial information. It’s all gone.

That’s a terrifying thought for any business, and it’s more common than you’d believe.

To stop a situation like this destroying your business, you need a reliable safety net. Our latest video explains how to protect your data with backups.

The CrowdStrike outage explained for Ryedale business owners and managers

Download our free guide which summarises everything you need to know about the recent CrowdStrike outage.

This is written specifically for business owners round here. Inside you’ll discover:

• What CrowdStrike is
• What happened on Friday 19th July 2024
• The impact on businesses – and what it means for you
• How to protect your business by reviewing IT strategies and contingency plans

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Is that Chrome extension filled with malware?

Chrome extensions are great for boosting productivity and saving time. But if they’re not the real deal, you could be at risk from malware. We tell you how to stay protected.