Data loss? Save yourself a mighty headache

What would you do if all your business data just… disappeared?

Maybe panic. Maybe stare at the screen in disbelief.

But if you’re wise, you’ll have a safety net in place, in the form of reliable and tested data backup. Which would mean you can restore your data quickly, without too much disruption.

If you’re not… well, you’ve got one mighty headache on your hands.

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about data backup, including how to make sure it’s working as it should be.

Download your free copy now.

All your data’s gone. What now?

You log on to your computer and find… nothing. No customer data, no project files, no financial information. It’s all gone.

That’s a terrifying thought for any business, and it’s more common than you’d believe.

To stop a situation like this destroying your business, you need a reliable safety net. Our latest video explains how to protect your data with backups.

tKnowIT achieves Cyber Essentials certification for another year

I am pleased to announce that tKnowIT Limited has achieved Cyber Essentials certification for a further year.

virus warning

Business Continuity – CoronaVirus

In our current situation with the threat of CoronaVirus and its potential impact on business continuity and productivity, there is a need to think more about what happens if your systems become unavailable for any reason.

Support for Windows 7 ended this week

No doubt you’ve seen on the news or your favourite social platform that Microsoft officially withdrew support for Windows 7 on tuesday. It has now reached the end of its life.

This means that we can no longer provide critical support for your Windows 7 machines.

What does that mean?

GDPR One Year On

Fines issued over the past twelve months have already totalled €56m. And watchdogs say the European data protection agencies are just warming up. Yes that includes here in the UK.

In the first few months alone, more than 205,000 cases were reported across 31 countries.

And now the data officers have settled into their roles, they’re taking a zero- tolerance approach to breaches.

GDPR headache solved

Oh what a headache. GDPR is finally here. We’ve written a guide to make it easy for you

Most businesses have been putting this off for years.

Putting what off? Implementing the new GDPR data protection laws. It finally comes into play on 25th May.

Like any piece of European legislation, it’s big and complicated and has a lot of pain if you get it wrong.

GDPR law change in May is dull – but will have a big effect on your business

In May next year, a major data law will come in… and your business needs to get ready now.
It’s called GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – to replace the data protection act.
And the fines for breaking it are huge… up to €20m. Scary.
The main aim of GDPR is to give individuals a greater level of control over their personal data. This means that all companies who hold any customer information will be subject to strict rules.