Are you ready for working from anywhere?

2020 threw a massive curveball at us.

After the urgent rush to work from home in March, many businesses now have some staff still at home, with others in the office.

And it’s looking like (cliché alert) this will be the “new normal”.

Seeing as we don’t know what the next few years have in store us, this is a great time to make sure that all of your team can work from anywhere, on any device, any time.

That gives you maximum flexibility and minimum future disruption.

We’ve put together a brand new guide to show you the most important things to consider with a permanent flexible working arrangement for your people.

What does ransomware mean to you?

It’s one of the fastest growing crimes in the world.. but what does it mean to you?
Ransomware can be scary.
What if you switch on your work computer tomorrow morning and instead of the screen you normally see, the screen goes totally red.
Your then shown a message saying that your business’s data has all been locked and that the only way to retrieve it will be to pay thousands in Bitcoin.
Statistics suggest is not a rare event. It happens to businesses every day – everywhere – even in Ryedale. Every business is at risk. And it can be one of the hardest things for us as your IT support company to fix.
We’ve written a brand new guide.

Is your phone system ready for the hybrid workplace?

When was the last time you upgraded your business phone system?

If it’s been 5 years or more, then you’re overdue an upgrade.

You probably update your laptop and mobile phone every few years. Business phones are no different.

Designed to work in the office, from home or on the move, watch our new video to see the benefits from installing a 2020 VoIP system for your business.

Preparing to return to the workplace

The more you prepare now for the end of lockdown, the easier it will be

At the moment of writing, lockdown is still in force but have you started planning yet, for when your staff can return to the workplace?

It’s going to happen at some point. And the more you plan and act now, the easier it will be.

There are three areas to consider:

Urgent Advisory: How to avoid current online and phone scams

We’re helping every person and business in Ryedale to stay safe, by issuing this urgent advisory.

Hackers have become very creative in the last few weeks, leveraging the Coronavirus to target people.

We’ve seen a massive surge in attacks.
Click to read our full advisory

How to make your team’s video calls easier and less stressful

Video calling and conferencing has exploded since most of us had to start working from home.

And we’re getting so many questions about it every day. Such as:

• Which platform should I use?
• I read that Zoom and Houseparty aren’t safe… are they?
• How can I make video calls and conferences less stressful for me and my team?

So we’ve pulled together a guide to video calls and conferencing while you’re working from home.

Working from home: 7 Steps To Keep Your Data Safe

Keeping your business’s data safe while your team are working from home.
We have a new video to watch and PDF guide for you to download.

IT Support

Working From Home: Keep your business running

The rapid call to work-from-home has resulted in a shortage of new laptops along with webcams and headsets used for online communication with Skype, MS Teams, Zoom, etc.
Whatever you have decided for your business and your staff, it is important that security, backups and staff vigilance for phishing attacks continues


Working From Home: Slow Internet? Try hotspotting your phone

I’ve had a few people saying that their broadband is slower than normal at home.
This can be because you are normally not working from home at this time of day but more likely due to the increased volume of people using the internet for surfing, watching Netflix, Prime, YouTube, etc.
First, try rebooting the router, check the microfilters on phone outlets and try an ethernet cable if wi-fi is poor.
If you are using a laptop over wi-fi and you also have a smartphone with a decent 4G signal then try creating a local HotSpot on the phone and then connect your laptop to the hotspot rather than your normal router.
See if things run any quicker
Remember to check your data tariff and allowance though

tKnowIT: Services mostly as usual

With the latest announcement from the government, it is important that you know that tKnowIT is able to provide you with your normal IT support, monitoring and maintenances services.
This includes businesses who currently don’t have a support agreement with tKnowIT but need help on a pay as you go basis. tKnowIT can help with IT systems, assistance with staff working from home, auditing and securing their machines, etc.
It is sad to see so many businesses are having to shut their doors until this all blows-over but I’m in the fortunate position that a lot of IT tasks can be performed remotely.