What does your email signature give away about you?

You may think of your email signature as a digital business card.

It lets people know the different ways they can contact you. It might also strengthen your business branding.

But have you ever stopped to think how all that information can be used for bad?

Cyber criminals can use your email signature to pretend to be you and trick others out of data or money. Likewise, you may be fooled by a genuine-looking email signature that’s not the real deal.

Our latest video explains how to make sure your email signature doesn’t put your business – or others – at risk.

Is your email signature putting your business at risk?

You probably don’t give your email signature much thought.

It’s there to provide your contact details and maybe boost your branding, right?

But have you ever stopped to consider exactly how much information you’re giving away? It’s enough to allow someone else to pretend to be you. Someone like a cyber criminal.

They can use this to steal from other businesses.

And it works the other way around too – you could be tricked into giving away data or money thanks to an email you thought was from someone else.

Our latest guide explains why you need to pay more attention to your email signatures, and how much information you should really be giving away.

How to cheat (the Blue Screen of) Death

How to cheat (the Blue Screen of) Death

The dreaded Blue Screen of Death makes you panic about what happened, how much work you’ve lost, and how long it’ll take to fix. But a lot of the time it’s avoidable… We’ll tell you how.

Cyber security isn’t just a problem for IT

Cyber criminals target all businesses all the time.

That means you and your team will be better protected if you make security a whole business concern, and not just an “IT thing”.

Every single person in your business should understand the risks, and importantly, how to avoid them.

Our latest video explains how to make that happen and keep your business data safe. Watch it here.

Microsoft takes the pain out of updates

Microsoft takes the pain out of updates

Updates are a pain, right? Time consuming and disruptive. Not anymore… Here we tell you how Microsoft’s latest Windows 11 update is making things quicker and easier.

Cyber crime is always evolving. You should be too

More businesses are seeing the value of cyber security training, and that’s great.

But still too many view it as a one-and-done exercise.

If there’s one thing we know about cyber crime, it’s that it’s constantly evolving. And that means if you want to stay up to date on the latest threats, your training needs to be regular.

In our latest guide we compare how two different companies with different attitudes to cyber security training fared against a phishing attempt. We also explain how to create your own training plan to make sure it’s a success.

Download your free copy now.

Slow PCs? Manage which applications launch at startup

Slow PCs? Manage which applications launch at startup

Your PC might be frustratingly slow because too many applications are starting up when you hit the power button. Windows 11 has a new solution to tell you when new apps are added to your startup list. We have all the details.

Here’s how to save time, money, and stress on your IT

Your business couldn’t function without its technology, right?

And from time to time, things go wrong.

If these are the only times you speak to your IT support provider, it’s very likely you’re wasting a lot of time and money. Plus creating yourself a ton of stress.

How proactive monitoring will help your business weather any storm

You’re the captain of your own ship. You have an excellent crew behind you. You’re prepared for anything!

Or so you thought.

Then one day, out of the blue, a massive digital kraken tentacled its way into your ship’s systems, causing havoc.

Your lookout was using the crow’s nest as a cosy place to nap. What you really needed was a vigilant lookout, alert for any small sign of danger.

This is the difference between being proactive about monitoring your business’s systems, or reactive. And we all know that prevention is better than cure, right?

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about proactive monitoring for your business.

Download your free copy now.

Watch out for that digital storm!

When you’re sailing along smoothly in business it really does feel like you’re living the dream.

But what happens when things get a little choppy?

Are you able to spot potential issues and stop them in their tracks? Or do you wait for the storm and then remember your umbrella?

When it comes to your business’s technology, you should be able to spot a digital storm a mile off. And if you can’t, it’s time to make a change.

Our latest video explains it all.