Since I sent out the checklist for businesses to consider how staff could work from home things have moved on rather rapidly and we are heading for a full lockdown in the UK. Many businesses have staff in self-isolation at home and everyone should be social distancing.
Not all businesses can work from home or have staff working from home but for those that can, hopefully we can help. If you’re not sure then please ask.
We’ve already assisted a number of businesses to allow their staff to work from home and we can still provide support for those who are not sure what to do or how to do it.
We’ve created a 4-step checklist to help you prepare for this eventuality. It asks you to consider the following:
Click here to get your copy of the checklist
The checklist is designed to start the discussion. Not all IT systems, phone systems and setups are the same to contact us on the contact form page or phone me on 01653 908069 to have a more detailed discussion.
We consider GDPR and best practice for data security with all suggestions.
Cloud, hybrid and office-based solutions available.
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