Encryption: the difference between chaos and calm

What would happen if your business data was stolen?

Would it:

a) Throw the company into chaos and put everything on the line? Or…
b) Be an inconvenience that, fortunately, you’d already anticipated?

Secure your data under lock and key

The data in your business is invaluable. Without it you wouldn’t have much of a business left, would you?

So that data must be kept safe… and one of the best ways to do that is to encrypt it.

That way, even if a cyber criminal gets their hands on it, your data is worthless to them.

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about encryption, and why it’s something you should implement straight away.

Before you replace your slow PCs…

Before you replace your slow PCs…

Windows PCs running slowly? It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to replace them. There are some other ways you can give things a boost. We’ll tell you how.

Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none)

Which ransomware payment option is best? (Hint: none)

Cyber criminals are giving you more options when it comes to paying your way out of a ransomware attack. Our advice remains the same though. Find out what that advice is here.

Bridging the trust gap between your employees and AI

Bridging the trust gap between your employees and AI

Have you noticed your employees are reluctant to use AI in the workplace? It may be down to their lack of trust. We explain how to show them AI is a tool that makes work better for everyone.

How proactive monitoring will help your business weather any storm

You’re the captain of your own ship. You have an excellent crew behind you. You’re prepared for anything!

Or so you thought.

Then one day, out of the blue, a massive digital kraken tentacled its way into your ship’s systems, causing havoc.

Your lookout was using the crow’s nest as a cosy place to nap. What you really needed was a vigilant lookout, alert for any small sign of danger.

This is the difference between being proactive about monitoring your business’s systems, or reactive. And we all know that prevention is better than cure, right?

Our latest guide explains everything you need to know about proactive monitoring for your business.

Download your free copy now.

Watch out for that digital storm!

When you’re sailing along smoothly in business it really does feel like you’re living the dream.

But what happens when things get a little choppy?

Are you able to spot potential issues and stop them in their tracks? Or do you wait for the storm and then remember your umbrella?

When it comes to your business’s technology, you should be able to spot a digital storm a mile off. And if you can’t, it’s time to make a change.

Our latest video explains it all.

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Don’t think your business is a target? Think again

Cyber criminals are targeting businesses of all sizes, all the time. And new research shows just how they’re doing it. We tell you how to stay protected.

This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

This new search feature in Edge is a revolution

Microsoft’s Edge browser has an amazing new search feature that we think is a total game changer, and the most compelling reason yet to switch. We have all the details.

Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

Here’s what’s in store for the last ever Windows ‘Moments’ update

Microsoft will start to roll out its last Windows 11 ‘Moments’ update in a few weeks. After that it’s back to annual updates. We have all the details of the ‘Moments 5’ features you won’t want to miss. .