Solving Broadband Internet Problems
Most homes and businesses that use computers and the web will now be using broadband services rather than dial-up to access the internet. The vast majority will be receiving this service through the telephone landline, especially in the Ryedale area, although cable and 3G mobile services are also available in some areas of the country.
There are a number of things that can go wrong with your ability to access the internet. The internet service providers will ask you to go through a list of steps to try to resolve the problem. Hopefully the tips below will help you resolve your problems or even get a better connection than you have at the moment.
First, start with the basics. Check the lights to see which are flashing, or not and where all the wires go. Typically there is a power light, which should be lit, a DSL light which should usually be lit (not flashing) which signifies there is broadband present, and an internet light which will either signify internet traffic or that the router has logged into the service. If the DSL light is flashing or off then there is no chance of an internet connection.
Check your phone line and listen for noise. If there is noise and it’s not likely to be down to a poor phone then call BT and ask them to do a phone line check as it’s noisy. Until a problem with a noisy line is resolved then it is unlikely that you will have a reliable broadband connection.
Check that all phone outlets with a phone, ringer, alarm or sky box connected have a micro-filter between the phone and the phone wall socket. The filters stop interference between the phone and broadband services.
Remove all phones and just try the router connected into the master socket through a filter.
Remove the front of the BT Master socket and connect a filter into the test socket behind it. The Master socket usually has two screws and a split across the centre of the front plate. Unscrew and pull forwards gently.
Leave your router switched on if possible. This allows BT’s systems to automatically optimise the connection speed and reliability of your connection. Although your ISP may not be BT, in the Ryedale area your underlying service is likely to be provisioned by BT.
Install an ‘iPlate’ to increase speed. This is a cheap device that fits on the BT Master socket and can improve connection speeds and quality. They’re less than £10 and are approved by BT.
If none of this works then you can then call your ISP and sit in their queue or call someone local, such as tKnowIT, for other suggestions.