tKnowIT Toyota Pickup
Look out for the tKnowIT Toyota Hilux Pickup in your area.
Thanks to Dogtooth for doing the eye-catching vehicle wrap.
It’s been ideal for the roads and tracks of Ryedale. Some of our clients live down rural lanes and on farms so the high ground clearance has been useful. The 4-wheel drive came in handy during winter 2009 when there were a few roads covered in a foot of snow – no problem for the Hilux.
Rather than have it sprayed it has been ‘wrapped’. Meeting Rick Jesse of Dogtooth at a networking meeting, we were easily convinced that a vehicle wrap was what was needed. Rick quickly came up with some ideas and shortly after that the wrap was produced and applied. Rick is no longer doing the vehicle wraps but now provides another great design idea for homes and offices with his site.